A review by booksandlemonsquash
Break the Fall by Jennifer Iacopelli


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Ahhhhhh. I was so excited for this as I’m a huge gymnastics nerd, and I was right to be - I loved it! It has exactly the right balance of gymnastics and personal - plus the interplay of the accusation hanging over both it incredibly well done.

I did find a couple of bits a little unrealistic from a gymnastics point of view - but very minor niggles. Aside from that, as someone who does watch a fair amount it definitely felt like one of the major events- with fantastic routines and small to major errors affecting everything!

And I really liked Rey, she’s a great lead with a good heart.

Highly recommend this book. My only sad point is that I have so long to wait until the Olympics but I’m ready now!