A review by tessa_talks_books
The Angel of Evil by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen, Kenneth B. Andersen


The fourth installment of The Great Devil Wars series is just as good as the three that preceded it, if not better. Full of darkness and pain, war is never pretty for even the young, but it tells us a lot about what’s in people’s souls. The Angel of Evil is much darker than the other books – less full of wonder and lightness. Instead, it brings the realities of sin and the destruction it causes, even in Hell.

I love how complicated the Devil is. He is not pure evil, as you might expect. Instead, he is full of a sublime range of emotions, including love, sympathy, and compassion. It makes him more relatable and much more fitting with his story. Would a fallen angel truly be pure evil, or would he hold sparks of his once angelic heart? After the fall of man, people became the complicated humans we are now – part good and part bad. So, doesn’t it stand to reason the same would be true when an angel falls? I find that notion believable and makes me love the books even more for that fantastic portrayal.

I also love the connection between Philip and Aziel Stofeles. Sam and Philip both have demon doppelgängers, and though Sam and Flux are two peas in a pod, the same cannot be said for Philip and Aziel. The only thing they seem to share is an interest in Satina. The relationship between them is explored in this novel and the conclusions made. Though I’m going to leave it at that – to keep with my non- spoiler policy – it was an astute conclusion to their story that you will enjoy and contemplate long after you close the book for the final time.

I still love the innocent and pure love of Satina, a temptress, and Philip. Very much a Romeo and Juliet type romance – though the problem isn’t family, instead, it is a problem of being from different worlds that neither can bridge. The book’s conclusion of this romance will leave a tear in your eye and hope in your heart.

As they say, “War is hell,” and war in Hell is particularly gruesome and cruel. I love the way Aziel used so many different biblical artifacts and stories to wage his war against Lucifer. It is an ingenious use of the weapons that are unique to a biblical setting. And, even if you are not familiar with the biblical tales they come from, you will still enjoy the ingenuity of everyone involved in their ultimate goals.

The story has been building to the war that takes place in The Angel of Evil, and it does not disappoint. We see a very dark Philip find his way toward his correct path in the most bittersweet and endearing way possible - just as we would hope for our heroic Everyman. And we see many story arcs come to a satisfying and sometimes unfortunate conclusion. A must-read that is not limited by age. Don’t let the YA designation fool you. This is a series as much for adults as for young adults and even the middle-grade reader.
I received a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.