A review by lydiawesome
Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We've Made Up by Francis Chan, Preston M. Sprinkle


The aim of this book was to show how God is smarter and bigger than all of us and to prove Rob Bell wrong about hell. Chan takes us through scripture by scripture showing how 1) hell is a real place and people are gonna burn and 2) how God is so much more beyond our comprehensions. The problem is, Chan focuses so much more on the first point and glosses to much over the second. This book ends up sounding more like a seminary paper than a theology book - almost a quarter of each chapter are the footnotes. Fascinating as footnotes are, I wanted to hear more about the IMPLICATIONS of believing in a God who sends non-Christians to hello. Bell fleshed that out beautifully in his book, yet Chan is eerily silent on this score. Overall, I found his lack of grace disturbing (thanks Darth Vader). This book left me with some big questions, which he did not answer: what exactly did Jesus do for us if there still people going to hell? What is the nature of sin? Why the cross? I did give this book TWO stars, though, because it was short. I am also glad I got it thanks to Free Fridays via Nook.