A review by chroniclerofcreepy
Untamed by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


To put it simply, this book didn't end, which I found quite annoying. I realize that if the authors would have included the ending it would have been longer, probably significantly longer if they're going to make a whole new book out of it.

But this was not the type of ending that made me screech and complain for the next one to be in my hands already; I simple had the "Oh, okay..." attitude and went on with my life. I think that any time a book ends without finishing, the author(s) should definitely hook and snag the reader so that s/he will be dying for the next one.

Oh well. The book itself wasn't bad. It also wasn't something to get too terribly excited over either. Zoey's infatuation over ever guy she meets is getting quite annoying to the point where I'd personally strangle her. Can we have more story and less middle-school drama please? I'm confused because this series mixes some content leaning toward adult in nature, but is generally geared toward a younger crowd otherwise.