A review by swiftie1977
Rising Star by Susannah Nix


This book is very cute. It also touched on a lot of topics that are going on today with lots of people. And I like how the author brought them up. Like Alice and the creepy professor. Her fears from how he is acting and treating her. Her fears of telling anyone of what he says and how it effects her. Like can she tell anyone? Will they believe her? Enter her working on a doctor show as an extra she meets Griffin who is the star of the show. Griffin is the new hot young actor. Griffin has doubts about his acting career and if he is just that great as some say he is. How Alice and Griffin become friends is so very sweet. Basically over his dog Taco. He thinks Alice doesn't like him. And Alice is just nervous around him because of her job and fear of trust of men. I don't want to give away a lot about this book. I will say damn we all need to be an extra on a TV show and dog sit for a down to earth actor. Ha. But seriously Griffin is great and once Alice realizes that he isn't all exactly what she has heard about him it starts to become can she trust him? And Griffin can he realize he is good enough and can do relationships. But with the right person. Can Griffin get past the career first before a person and can Alice trust long enough to see the person in front of her?