A review by simonlewis17
The Ghost Files 4: Part 2 by Apryl Baker



More good than part 1 of book 4. I'm losing interest. But I WILL NEVER GIVE UP on Mattie. I already have the copy of last installment which is the 5th book.

I shipped Mattie and Dan. Obviously they belong to each other! Too many boys involved! What a b***h! lol!

Also, its realllllly annnnoying why you need to give back story?! It took up so much of the story. And Mattie always ends up in a hospital?! Kinda redundant too. I also don't think that there should be part 1 or part 2 since the story is short.

I gave 3.5 stars coz of officer Dan and SILAS! I'm really curious about that demon! I want to know more of his history!

I'm really excited to know what would be Mattie's decision, what will happen, and what choices she will make. So???

Accio book 5! *grin*