A review by scrollsofdragons
What We Left Behind by Robin Talley


I liked Gretchen but really didn't Toni. Gets mad at her mom for not being happy about her decision when she just came up with it on a whim? I would only be okay with it if they had given it a serious thought and knew 100% that it is what they want. Its a serious life changing decision and Toni was so mixed up about it which is fine so long as you don't determine anything until you are sure and Toni wasn't.

Feminism also, although I prefer the term equalist, is about women seen as equal as men. What does that have to do with femininity? Because apparently in this book, you either are trans or your cis? That if you are genderqueer means you're confused and undecided? Fuck that. I aint trans or cis and I know exactly what I am. Why do you have to have a sex change and be called him, why can't you just be comfortable being masculine and a female? Why is that never an option? Why is someone like me never taken seriously, never talked about.

This book was very black and white and went so far into diversty that those who weren't diversed were majority of the time the bad people. Seriously? Just think, if it had been the other way round, and this novel was mostly straight people who looked down upon gay people? Wouldn't be acceptable, would it? Well it works the other way round too.

Apart from those issues, like I said I really liked Gretchen and although there were many ends left untied, it was an enjoyable okay read. Just didn't have to be so offensive.