A review by karentje
Ghost by Robin Covington


Well-written and enjoyable novella!

It took me a while to warm up to Oliver, though, who comes accross as quite arrogant and not the most considerate of other people's feelings.

He acted like quite a douchebag in the beginning of the story, leaving Gareth without a word after their initial hook-up, and sticking him with the minibar bill... such a gentleman. He doesn't do remorse nor contrition well either, that bugged me.

But then he falls for Gareth... falls hard. And makes an impressively grand gesture to make up for his mistakes (plural, because by that time he has added to his tally of screw-ups). And in doing so redeems himself.

This was a fun, fast-paced short story.

I love how the author manages to give us such a good feel for Gareth's and Oliver's world, their history and the people that are important to them, within the limitations of a novella.