A review by dabnor
Doctor Who: The Good, the Bad and the Alien / System Wipe by Colin Brake, Oli Smith


Well, I read The Good, The Bad and the Alien first, so let's start there.

The story is pretty standard wild west fare in a lot of ways. Robbery, double crossing outlaws, all with a few added sci fi twists.

The good. The story trots along at a decent pace. Characterisation is decent.

The bad. There's no subtlety to the plot. Yes, I appreciate it's written for kids, but things written for kids can definitely be written better.

The... you didn't really think I was going to have The Alien here, did you? That division between The Good and Bad was not a conscious reference. Shame on you.

System Wipe, for me, was the better written of the two stories. However, I just wasn't as interested in the story. So, that's a bit odd.