A review by chxnln
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel


You know that moment when you read a blurb of a book, get excited, actually read the book and feel so disappointed upon finishing it? This book had so much potential, yet it failed to deliver. Sigh.

Where’s the part when Justin and Lenah fall in love? No, I do not go out, see a hot guy doing crazy things in the sea and fall helplessly in love with him. Gosh, how many people would I be so passionately in loved with then? Oh, and especially when he goes on to call me a ‘whore’. Likewise for Justin. “Oh, pretty babe spotted. Who cares if I’ve a girlfriend? I LOVE HER.”

Lenah… god. I’ve never met a show-off bigger than her. “Alright, my great lover of all time just sacrificed himself for me, and I can’t let that sacrifice go to waste. I’m gotta keep a low profile and- oh, hi, I can speak 25 languages. Disect a cat, no problem. Oh, I see a hot boy. I love him.”

Justin just felt like some piece of paper. Man.

Tony? Tony’s worse. He felt so boring. They don’t do anything together at all and Tony’s already in love with Lenah. Seriously? And my god, he freaking takes 200 pictures of her. If I ever walked in to a room with a boy holding 200 pictures of me, I kinda doubt I’d get over it. Pretty traumatizing. And he goes on bashing about the Three-Piece ruthlessly, and later hooks up with Tracy. Again, seriously?

And, the Three-Piece? What the hell was the point of having them in the story? I don’t know where to begin. They’re pretty much annoying, irritating bimbos without much of a mind. They actually copy one another’s outfits. I thought dressing identically was cool when I was like… six?

I kinda liked the beginning at first, with the flashbacks to Lenah’s vampire past. But the more I read, the flashbacks got lesser and the stupid, cardboard interaction between Justin and Lenah increased. Wait, actually there’s so much more to complain about. Such as how irritating and fake it was whenever one of the character said something in Latin and Justin’s quick acceptance of Lenah’s vampirism.

I’m also wondering why the hell did Viken put Lenah into an unnecessary hundred year hibernation when he could have just woken her up earlier to prepare her. And how the hell did he not manage to get rid of all evidence, especially something as crucial as the name of the new boarding school where he’d enrolled Lenah in.

Oh, and how I wish there was more on Viken (sorry if I got his name wrong lol) and pretty much the rest of the coven. Halfway through when Suleen made an appearance, I was wondering if Suleen was part of her coven because there was hardly anything about them at all and I had difficulty remembering their names.

Still, I’m contemplating reading “Stolen Nights” because I’m reaaaally interested to know about Viken and Rhode. Nope, not about annoying Justin and Lenah.