A review by mobyskine
KL NOIR: BLUE by Zed Adam Idris, Zedeck Siew, Elizabeth Tai, Marco Ferrarese, Balan Moses, Xeus, Joelyn Alexandra, Iqbal Abu Bakar, Ling Low, Eeleen Lee, Chua Kok Yee, William Tham Wai Liang, Rozlan Mohd Noor, Damyanti Ghosh, Karina Bahrin, Mama Vies


Murkier blue. Love the diversity of ideas. I like that it shows different perspectives and style of authors in expressing their narratives-- all sort of law and disorder, robbers, gangsterism, black magic, murder and suicidal. About the underworld but great presentation, gripping and really entertaining. Among my favorite:

Sinful Saints (Iqbal Abu Bakar)-- the dude get caught of stealing Animal Farm by George Orwell at a bookshop (the character is actually a struggling writer trying to find idea on his writing), quite dramatic and I love the ending.

Bag (Elizabeth Tai)-- catchy narrative, unexpected twist; to throw the corpse inside the river or pack it inside a bag and bury it deep under a tree. "After your tenth corpse, you develop a sort of technique: how deep, how shallow, whether you should bury or sink it."

Ballerina in Pink (Rozlan Mohd Noor)-- a revengeful plot, very 'tranquil' but quite horrific. I like that it pointed out about police corruption.

Bathroom Wall (Marco Ferrarese)-- this was a bit spooky, a really great lesson too. Don't go contacting the number you see on the public bathroom wall you'll never know how 'naughty' it can be. "Get the jars ready for the intestines. I'm almost done with the draining hose."

The Banker (Chua Kok Yee)-- expected hidden agenda but I really like the fast-paced narrative. A very witty Mr. Banker.

A Woman in Five Pieces (Karina Bahrin)-- I love the surreal vibe, great main character, mysterious and suspense. "You know, some believe that when a body is chopped up like that it doesn't pass over. They say the soul still wanders looking for all the pieces, until it finds them."

Ah Beng's Wedding (William Tham)-- playful story-telling, love the phrasing and the character's personalities. Quite mischievous and really entertaining.

I fancy the others as well, absolutely thrilled and crisp. Great collection of crime fiction. Giving it 4.5 stars.