A review by desertrose156
Silver Screen Fiend: Learning About Life from an Addiction to Film by Patton Oswalt


I am also a 'silver screen fiend'-my username on socials has been silverscreen since I was a teenager. I have always found solace, joy, and passion through film. I feel Patton is a kindred spirit in this sense. This book was easy for me to breeze through in one sitting. His voice is strong and authentic and I felt like I was listening to him speak the entire time. Parts even made me laugh out loud, and I loved all the references to films, the 90's, and pop culture. It was a highly enjoyable read. My only criticism is that I felt it ended on a rather abrupt note; but I could tell that this was an authentic choice, because he didn't want a lot of 'filler' in the book. I think Patton would have loved letterboxd had it been around in the 90's! If you are a film buff, a fan of Patton, or are looking for a pick me up, I highly recommend this book.