A review by the_weirdling
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling


This is largely a retelling of the story of King Midas, but with something that children value far more than gold - chocolate!

As a big nerd of classical antiquity, I really liked the idea behind this book. Also, on principle, I am a big fan of trying to tell all the stories in new and different ways. So, I was excited to settle down and read this to my 8 year old.

The book did what it set out to do, but it did little more. Except for the initial concept, it was not especially clever. At times, it came off as a little preachy even, regarding the protagonist’s obsession with sweets.

My 8 year old (and kids’ options about such books should probably matter more than my own) enjoyed the book. She was excited to read through it. So, it pleases its target audience well enough. However, I’ll say this, when she talks about fun books she’s read recently or makes references to literature she’s read or has had read to her recently, this book never comes up. It’s one of those books that is enjoyed for the moment while you read it, but largely forgotten after you’re done with it.