A review by mmeggann
Never Tell a Lie by Hallie Ephron


This wasn't a book I had ever even heard of until it showed up on my doorstep. Apparently I'd won it in a giveaway, and seeing as I had just finished my last book and this one looked interesting I gave it a try. If you know my reading tastes, it's generally easy to presume that if it's gruesome and creepy or downright graphic in it's thrills, there's almost a guarantee that I'll love it. In the case of this book, that love is a good and bad thing. On the one hand, this isn't a book thats gruesome or graphic despite aiming for the "creepy thriller" genre (as told by it's comparison to old Hitchcock on the cover). It is, however, pretty good at suspense so I'll give it a bump up for that.

Overall, it was an enjoyable and easy read but it didn't have that special "oomph" that would make me bump it up past 3 stars. Worth a read, but not a favorite.

Should you buy it?: If this is one that looks interesting to you, I'd say go for it! Especially now that I think it's been out long enough to have made it's way into trade paperback status meaning you can pick it up for pretty cheap.