A review by labriejames
Welcome to Sugartown by Carmen Jenner


not at all what I was expecting

This book has been on my want to read for literal years. I’m not sure how I found this book or what made me want to read it, but I finally decided to read it and it’s not at all, but I expected it to be. When I first started reading the book I thought it was going to be the cutie, small town Romance, quirky friend you know all the cheesiness that comes with that so maybe that’s why I didn’t read it for so long. Then halfway through some dramatic things that I was not expecting at all and I felt like Ana acted immature but also maybe wise for trying to walk away I don’t know it was pretty complicated after that 50% point. The character that I just don’t agree with and dislike his character completely, which is why I’m probably giving this three stars independent the book was good. It wasn’t bad at all, it’s not all I was expecting and I like independent authors, a little more wiggle room and a little more grace because it’s a different world for us. It was all craziness and they definitely should’ve been triggers warning. This book wasn’t bad at all. It just wasn’t what I was expecting it to be and it was very dramatic heavy full of some dark scenes emotional scenes the main characters. Both the male and female had pretty hefty, annoying faults. The male kept making ridiculous mistakes and he was kind of rude and immature while she was more on a high pedestal and kind of immature as well. But this was an Australian romance with an Australian author, so it could just be a culture thing for me. I’m not quite sure it was just so completely not what I was expecting, but definitely, if you like dark romances.