A review by beastreader
Never Miss by Melissa Koslin


I was drawn to this book because of the premise of the story. The beginning did grab me right away. There is mystery surrounding Kadance and her background. A woman of mystery for sure. While, I did get to know her better and her background as the story progressed, I do feel like she was holding back still a bit. Whereas, Lyndon was too at the start but he laid it all out there afterwards. Lyndon is very intelligent with his three doctorate; this can lead to the character talking "above" a normal reader's grasp. I liked that Lyndon did not do this.

The story had a good fast pacing. Normally, this would not be an issue but it suffered from the characters. While, I liked Kadance and Lyndon, I felt a bit of a disconnect towards both of them. Therefore, I found myself going through the motions of reading but not absorbing the story at times. The last third of the story is where I did become fully engaged again. So for me the beginning and ending were the strongest but the middle was just fine. Still this was a good read.