A review by cleo_reads
Kynship by Daniel Heath Justice


Engrossing, epic fantasy set in a world inspired by 18th C North America, from a Native American point of view, with engaging (queer) characters and plenty of adventure, wonder and intrigue. Like the best fantasies, it references real world issues (specifically the Cherokee Trail of Tears) but it's also an engaging story and world that stands on its own.

This is ground breaking indigenous speculative fiction and I just kind of discovered it accidentally in my quest for more queer characters in fantasy.

I really enjoyed it, although there were a few things that took me out of the story - there are a lot of POV characters and I got lost a few times. I also wanted more character development for the two main protagonists. And the pacing was a little weird. But all of those things are pretty typical of this genre and mostly I just enjoyed the ride.

I got this book, the first in the trilogy, from my library and started panicking when I saw that they don't have the 2nd and 3rd books! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! But the books are still in print and it looks like the complete collection (The Way of Thorn and Thunder: The Kynship Chronicles) is also available as an ebook. So crisis is averted.