A review by becquebooks
Crazy Salad: Some Things About Women by Nora Ephron


This is interesting as a sort of time capsule back to 1972 and the feminist movement. She's writing at a moment when a lot of things are being negotiated and figured out, debates that seem so far away to read about them now. There were a couple of these I really liked, I found the essay on her 10 year reunion at Wellesley interesting (spoiler alert - she wasn't a fan of the place) and the essay on her mom's mink coat.

This book is also annoyingly hard to find given that it was reprinted not that long ago, but has again fallen out of print. Check for a used copy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble and people are attempting to sell copies of the 2000 reprint for $100-$200. I got my hands on this one from my local library, an endorsement to why those things exist and should be supported.