A review by susanscribs
Inversion Point by Jenn Burke, Kelly Jensen


Now that's more like it! Inversion Point is arguably the strongest entry yet in the Chaos Station series, with much less of the annoying "I'm not good enough for him" angsting that weakened Skip Trace and more of a focus on two strong characters working together to survive hair-raising adventures. Okay, there is some jealousy on Zed's part when Felix's former lover shows up (of course he is almost perfect, with none of Zed's "emissary of the Guardians" baggage), but at least Zed doesn't run away in a hissy fit. Felix shows remarkable growth from the previous book thanks to some therapy, and although he'll never be Mr. Charming he's a lot less hostile and prickly.

There is a lot of action in this installment - one shockingly violent scene in particular will not soon be forgotten - and an intriguing new species that bring the MCs closer in a way they never would have expected. It's a treat to catch up with the rest of the crew of the Chaos, especially Elias, who gets a little more of the spotlight than usual. And we finally get to meet members of the Stin species, who are responsible for Felix's worst nightmares. They're certainly not an admirable group, but the authors give them enough depth that they are not just cartoon villains either.

The god-like Guardians are thankfully quiet for most of the novel, letting our heroes save the day by themselves, with a little help from their new friends. Overall, this is a very strong M/M space opera with drama, romance and humor - just what I have been hoping for since I picked up Chaos Station. Not sure what the authors have planned for the finale, Phase Shift, but I will miss both main and supporting characters when the series is over.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.