A review by dipali17
Everything Reminds You of Something Else, Volume 240 by Elana Wolff


** A copy of Everything Reminds You of Something Else was provided by the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review **

Everything Reminds You of Something Else by Elana Wolff is a deeply evocative collection of poetry. The bulk of the pieces are meaningful and vivid. While there were some pieces that I didn't fully understand (I've only recently started reading poetry for 'leisure'), this is definitely a strong collection that made me contemplate a lot of things. The humanities and social sciences nerd in me especially loved the Kafka references! My favourite pieces were Rain, Air, Meridian, Elemental and Walking Song. My absolute favourite was Metamorphoses, and is something I will carry with me for a long time:
"Some are born human, most have to humanize slowly.
I want to say I'm on my way"