A review by melbsreads
For Heaven's Eyes Only by Simon R. Green


Plot summary: There's a Satanist conspiracy afoot, and it's up to Eddie Drood to find out who's responsible. There's just one small problem: Eddie's dead.

Thoughts: It was enjoyable enough. Pretty much a standard addition to the series - there's a bad thing, Eddie and Molly find out who's responsible, something goes horribly wrong, a minor character dies in a rather horrific way, Eddie and Molly stop the evil plot and kill those responsible.

So yes, having read them all back to back, they're starting to seem a little formulaic. That said, there were several plot twists in this that added nicely to the story, and it will be very interesting to see where the series goes as a result of these. There's one piece of technology in particular (
SpoilerThe Merlin Glass
) that I'll be glad to see the back of. Where in the beginning it was a nifty little toy, in recent books it's become a deus ex machina. Its absence in future volumes will be a welcome change.