A review by astarions_bhaal_babe
The Master Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg


“I’ve been shot to hell, haven’t I?”
“Language, love.”


I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys and say that, even though I still love this series, the action, the surprising dark turns these books sometimes take, the perfect humor and the magic system with all the magic stuff it comes with, I mainly stayed for the characters and for their romance.

I found myself liking Ceony less and less with every book, but she ended up being okay in the end. I don't wanna strangle her anymore for one, which is a big improvement since The Glass Magician fiasco that turned into a literal walking punch magnet, but she wasn't the sassy and brave piece of cake I adored in The Paper Magician, either.
That being sad, once you got past all her get being petty, reckless and kinda selfish, you could see and appreciate the fact that she could be incredibly sweet, smart, funny and mature when she wanted to, so I guess I'll have to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Emery Thane, on the other hand...
Man, I'm not sure I've ever found a book character I've ever loved as much as I do him. I'm seriously considering the fact that I may be a little in love with him and his OCD quirks for real, to be honest.
I may be also sleep deprived, so don't mind me, but in case you're reading this bunch of nonsense and are pitying me, I suggest to go read these three books and not fall far Mr I-Own-A-Trench-For-Every-Color-Of-The-Rainbow at least an itty bitty bit.

Overall, this book was a great conclusion to a series that I couldn't help but love and that kept me entertained for hours.
Maybe it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat and I still have some answers that will forever remain unanswered, but as I said, the plot wasn't my main priority and I'm pretty happy with what I got.
I'm a little said to say goodbye, but I'm aware that good things are supposed to end before they go stale and, as long as my paper heart beats, I know I'll always have a beautiful story (and a beautiful, awkward Paper Magician) to think back to whenever I feel like it.

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