A review by veronica87
Undercity by Catherine Asaro


I was hoping for more from this book. I was in the mood for some cool science fiction but this turned out to be just okay, hence the two star rating. It wasn't bad but none of it blew me away either. The heroine, Major Baahj, could basically do anything with her tech-enhanced body and whatever she couldn't accomplish physically her Artificial Evolving Intelligence computer system handled effortlessly. The changes that Baahj brings about in such a short amount of time, in a system that has been in place for millenia, seemed a bit unbelievable and bordered on the Mary Sue trope. The whole thing with the Undercity children and the Dust Knights should have been touching but instead it came off as cheesy. There is also a romance element of the reconnecting-old-lovers variety and it was okay but, again, nothing that blew me away. Overall it was all just...meh.