A review by ddonovan20
Crossed by Ally Condie


I was really looking forward to this sequel in this series. Needless to say I feel like the book did not progress very much, or anywhere to that matter. I don't know if you have read the Harry Potter series or not but in the last book about half of the story was about camping and did not progress very fast. I relate it to this book because all they did was walk or run around the cavern.

I would have like to have seen Cassia and Ky get to the Rising and actually read about fighting the Society. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed in the book.

I will say the author changed the writing style a little bit in this book. She dedicated each chapter to either Cassia or Ky's point of view. Usually I like this style of writing, but eventually when the character's meet up in the story it goes back to just one person's point of view. To me, it kind of was annoying after a while. Hopefully the last book in this trilogy will be a little more to be desired.

I do feel bad that I am giving negative feedback, but this book had some good points, but mostly was boring in my opinion.