A review by thomasgoddard
.Self by Christopher Sebela


I really enjoyed my last foray into the graphic novel arena and figured I'd have another run at a title. Amazon Prime is, unfortunately, pretty invaluable as a service for life's essentials for me. And having my partner move in with me meant that it was time to set up the whole 'household' settings. Just so Amazon knows exactly whose data is who's, theirs and mine adding up to the sum of our lives. With that came re-examination of the perks to try balance out some of the privacy concerns.

Look, you get some music... and some games...

This graphic novel was a perk from comiXology because it comes with Prime. An original from comiXology Originals that you can borrow and read for free with your kindle app. So I figured, why not? I'm a huge fan of anything identity related. The self is a real focus of inquiry for me. It won't cost me anything...

I couldn't have been more disappointed. The story lined up with my recent concerns over data harvesting by corporate interests. A sort of speculative fiction experience in copy paste human life. But it just failed on so many levels.

It reminded me of black mirror, but with none of the depth. A great concept poorly fleshed out.

For a story that presents a world where there are countless other versions of Nat... None of them added any layers to her character and at times they actively seemed to single-handedly defeat their own conceit.

The husband was pocket lint... Almost nonexistent.

The ending... obvious.

At almost every step I was thinking up better directions the story could have taken to really give the audience something powerful and gripping.

The artwork was great. That takes it up to two stars... Barely.

I almost wished Amazon did save our lives experiences, so I could delete this one.