A review by calistareads
The Bears' Christmas by Stan Berenstain


I love these early Berenstain Bears books. Up to about 1980something is the best, but I especially love the books written in the 70s and before. It was before they got their formula down. Papa bear is always such a mess in them, which makes for the best stories. He always gets everything wrong. Once Papa bear started acting respectable, the series was no fun anymore. I can’t believe our library didn’t have this one, I had to get it ILL.

It’s Christmas and Bear got a sled, skates and skies for Christmas. He wants to go try them out, but Papa bear has to show them how it’s done and hijinks ensue. I appreciate this story takes place after the presents are opened.

The nephew gets a kick out of seeing Papa bear fail so spectacularly. He said, “my dad wouldn’t do that. He’s good at that stuff.” He still got a laugh out of it all. He gave this 4 stars. He hopes we get a good snow this year so he can go sledding again. There is a huge hill not too far from us that is the best for sledding.

It’s a bright sunny Christmas day. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and a happy holiday to everyone.