A review by pages_and_ash
Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis


“Stories can be powerful things”

Beautifully written and full of spine-tingling scenes. This book is sure to leave you hooked and coming back for more— If you can put it down that is.

After a break-in at their apartment, Lola is sent to live with her grandmother in Harrow Lake— the place where het father filmed one of his most famous movies and where he also met her mother. Lola’s mother walked out on them years ago.

Things in Harrow Lake are different. The town seems to permanently be stuck in the 1920’s. And the people love to hold festivals celebrating the famous film and the star of it— Little Bird (Lola’s mother). Not to mention there may or may not be a monster known as Mr. Jitters stalking the town.

Lola unburies secrets about her parents past as well as her own with every passing day.

If you’re looking for a book that involves films/film directors, creepy scenes, horror movie nods, monsters, secrets, small towns, and a mind-bending narrative, look no further!