A review by roxsannel
Finders Reapers by Carrie Pulkinen


This is the story of Asher and Jasmine, one a reaper and the other a necromancer, they both deal with the dead, but they do get in each other's way, but when Asher takes a vacation and leaves his door unattended, the ghosts know of only one other person who can help and much to her annoyance, it is Jasmine.

Jasmine opens the story at the morgue she works in, she is helping a couple of werewolves find out if someone died after being attacked by one of their kind, or whether it was just a normal dog, so she calls the spirit back from the other side to briefly reinhabit his body and give them the answers they are looking for, it is not the most pleasant of things to do, but as a necromancer, Jasmine is used to it, even if her clients normally end up throwing up in the bin. She asks if they want to go for drinks after the soul has been returned to the aether, but after what they just saw, it’s a resounding no, infact, it’s more often than not a no, people don’t like to associate with people who are around the dead a lot, this train of thought reminds her about Asher and how he ran a mile when she kissed him and asked him out, but when she goes to leave the morgue, she finds that the spirit she was talking to earlier is still waiting around by stepping through the poor guy and feeling like he sucked the energy right out of her, it turns out, that;s exactly what he was doing, a fun little weakness necromancers have. He starts talking to Jasmine and saying that he can’t find the light and neither can some other ghosts, but when they do find their way to it, the door is locked, Jasmine says that she will talk to the reaper for him, but has to go to a bachelorette party first.

Meanwhile, Asher is swimming in the sea and trying to get back to shore, he now knows why the no swimming sign was there, even being an immortal, he had struggled against the riptide, but now he is back safely on the beach, he thinks about why he made this impromptu trip to off season Aruba, it is to get his mind away from his emotions and a certain necromancer who he is trying to avoid and not think about how she makes him feel, reapers don’t usually have emotions and he always tried to play by the rules, but sometimes he just needed a break from reaping souls. So, drink in hand, he sat on his lounge chair and soaked up the sun, that us until another reaper materialises and questions him about his motives for being there, this led to more thoughts about how he is different from the other reapers and how he was scared that he may be falling for a necromancer and that would mean their fates would end up tied and he would become mortal and die, but was that something he wanted? It is during the conversation about how he had left his door unlocked with a fairy light on it that the consequences of that light attracting a spirit to cross back over from the other side, it is at this point that Asher rushes to check his phone and when that fries with all the notifications, he hopes that it doesn’t mean that his home is overrun as well.

It is when he gets back and realises that his door is locked that he calls in a favour to check what has happened in hell and indeed finds out that a ghost has escaped from his door and that it is the one who will cause the most problems for him, so when he asks Jasmine for help, she initially refuses him because of their past, however, when the ghosts keep coming to her for answers, she realises that helping Asher will be the only way that she can get some peace and quiet while also keeping her energy. Can this unlikely pairing work together to help the souls move on, or will the one who escaped keep causing more trouble than they bargained for? This is a romantic comedy with a whole slew of ghostly happenings and unusual elements added into the mix, but the end is only found by following along with their spiritual capers.