A review by trackofwords
Taker of Heads by Ian St. Martin


This 70-minute audio drama sees Ian St. Martin return to the character of Adoni from his short story Deathwatch: Swordwind. This time it’s a story of Adoni’s youth, as he and his fellow neophytes are deployed to the jungle world of Aztlan to aid the embattled, outclassed Imperial Guard in their fight against the cunning t’au. There’s more at stake for Adoni than just defeating the t’au however, as this mission offers him the opportunity to prove himself a taker of heads, and earn his name and his place within the Chapter.

It works very well as an audio drama and not just a 40k story, despite a heavy narration focus. The choice of a first person perspective for the narrator is an effective one, avoiding any sense of excess exposition and allowing Adoni’s voice to really come through by way of Banks’ measured, slightly sinister delivery. The Mortifactors are portrayed with half-whispered pseudo-Eastern-European accents, and while it might have been nice to hear something a little different it does tie together well with all of the cast going for similar stylings. Meanwhile the music and sound design are as effective as ever, effortlessly conjuring up vivid atmospheres that help bring the story to life and complement St. Martin’s script. Overall, as long as you don’t mind the overt plot references, there’s a great balance of action and character development and some really interesting insight into this unusual Chapter.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2018/10/25/taker-of-heads-ian-st-martin/