A review by jadedisland
To Astera, With Love by Amanda Ross


Imaginative paranormal fiction, I loved how much I connected to this story! This is my first time reading a fiction story with a male protagonist that I’ve liked in years. Mercury has an honest world view, but that doesn’t hold him back. As a witch with an empathetic nature, his connections to his family and the people around him really endear him to me as a reader. Some aspects of the story reminded me of present-day political strife, but that should come as no surprise since there is a vampire for a president; sound interesting yet? Everything about Amanda Ross, debut novel “To Asteria with love,” reminded me of how fun vampire stories can be. If you’ve been leery of vampire stories since Twilight, fear not because this tale will keep you gripped in political turmoil, a chase for adventure with a mix of urban realness. It’s all the paranormal i needed during my quarantine reading. Can’t wait to see what Amanda has for us next!