A review by rlaferney
Marvel Zombies: Resurrection by Phillip Kennedy Johnson


This has gotten mixed reviews and I can understand why. However, as a fan of Zombies, Spider-Man and the Marvel Universe in general, I genuinely enjoyed this comic series.

After the success of DCeased, Marvel relaunched their Zombies series in order to cash in some bucks. While I hear that the other Zombie series are terrible, I actually really, really enjoyed this entry (or resurrection). It's a weird blend of science-fiction terror/horror and super-hero drama but it works. The corpse of Galactus, the world-eater, appears as a vessel of an interstellar virus - that destroys the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four and causes them and the most of the inhabitants of the earth to become ravenous undead zombies. Only a few survive. And one of the survivors is Peter Parker.

Interstellar threats. Viruses. Zombies. That's fun and all but the heart of the story is focused on Peter Parker, one of the last survivors, as he tries to protect the children of Reed and Sue (of the Fantastic Four) from the super-powered, cannibalistic aberrations that were once their friends and family. It turns out to be quite an epic and emotional roller coaster for Peter and his crew. Peter goes through a lot in this series, but he never loses his grip on who he is, no matter how much what he’s gone through has scarred him. Building the series around him was a shrewd move but I think a smart one. In the Marvel universe, he's the everyman character we can all relate to.

Fan faves Wolverine, Blade, Chewie, and Groot all show up. Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #4 leaves the door wide open for a sequel which could be neat. However, this is a perfect standalone story.

The art by Kirk isn't always clear, and it's a bit much and yes, Zombies have been way overdone. But I felt that this was a somewhat fresh spin on Zombies with a good story at its core. Check it out.