A review by reemofbookingdom
The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell


Excuse the possibly incoherent review, I'm currently running on fear, chills and caffeine lol..

To say I'm mind-blown in an understatement. This is book gave me the absolute creeps. There was a lot of scary, creepy, intense stuff going on there. The pacing and gradual build up were so well done.
I don't think a book ever managed to get me this unsettled, especially without having any graphic or gory scenes. It purely depended on the plot creeping in on you and the creepy gothic atmosphere. There was never a dull moment, it felt really intense right from the get go, especially the last few pages, I couldn't put the book down without knowing what was really going on and how it was going to end.
At some point I just stopped trying to make theories about what might be going on because every time I was proven so wrong and I was shocked time and time again.
And that ending... the whole book was so chilling, but the last few pages when it finally dawned on me what's really happening.. c h i l l s.