A review by noveldeelights
Come and Find Me by Sarah Hilary


Deep breath. It has taken me weeks to write this review. What a struggle it’s been and I’m pretty sure I haven’t managed to do this book or the author any justice whatsoever.

During a riot at the prison, dangerous convict Michael Vokey escapes. It quickly transpires Michael has been in regular contact with two women, Lara and Ruth, who are completely infatuated with him. Did they somehow help him escape? Is he hiding out in their homes? Someone is surely in danger but who?

Sarah Hilary has been one of my go-to authors since the start of this series and with every book, I’ll say “this is her best one yet”. Well, guess what? Come and Find Me is her best one yet! I don’t know how she manages to raise the bar time and time again but she does. It’s in the writing, which just keeps getting stronger, and it’s in the fantastic character development. Not only where the main characters are concerned but each and every side character gets the same treatment and it brings this series to a whole other level.

There is some incredibly fascinating psychology behind the acts and motivations of these characters. It’s intensely gripping all on its own without even getting started on the investigation into the prison riot and Michael Vokey’s escape. What makes a woman get in touch with a convict? Why would any woman choose to share her secrets with someone so dangerous or even send him pictures? And then, there are the prisoners. No stereotypes here and nothing or nobody is what it seems. I must also mention that while Marnie has always been of one my favourite characters, Noah Jake’s voice seems to be getting stronger with each book, his presence keeps growing and I feel like he is beginning to steal the spotlight from Marnie. I can’t wait to see how he develops in the future.

Come and Find Me is intensely gripping, full of suspense and has an incredibly intelligent and well-crafted plot. It had me glued to the pages and I couldn’t read fast enough to see how it would end, completely unable to guess where things were going. Utterly absorbing, addictive and a fantastic page-turner and as always, it leaves me wanting more so very desperately.

If you are not reading this series, then really, I’m incredibly sorry but I just don’t think we can be friends anymore. 😄. The Marnie Rome series is one of the best ones out there so do yourself a humongous favour and pick these up right now. I can’t recommend these books highly enough and can’t even begin to say how much I’m looking forward to the next one.