A review by _treatyoshelves_
The Ash House by Audrey Chin


I signed up to this book tour as the author is from Singapore, and for those of you that don't know, that is where my boyfriend is currently living for work. The book was also shipped from Singapore so I thought that would be a cool little connection, to own a book that's come from where Jack is living now!

This was a brand new genre to me - Asian Gothic. I have recently discovered a love for gothic fiction in general, and was super excited to see what this book was like. I really loved the author's writing style - it was very easy to get into and was so immersive and interesting that I always wanted to keep reading!

Obviously this book is fiction, but I loved all the literal cultural references and nods to Southeast Asian traditions that I had not previously known much about - definitely some areas I want to read up on in future!

I really liked the character development throughout the book, and all of the characters were really well written.

I love a paranormal element in a book, and this was no exception. This wasn't a scary book, but there were definitely bits that were creepy and made you think hard! It was such an interesting concept for a book, and I hope to read more from Audrey Chin in future!