A review by elvang
Pretending in Paradise by M. Ullrich


Loved it. I’m not that big a fan of fake relationships but Ullrich hits all the right notes in Pretending in Paradise.

Caroline and Emma are complete opposites. Emma is Travel Wisdom’s travelling reviewer/photographer. She actively blogs her travels and is not afraid to give hotels and vacation hot spots bad reviews. Her honesty is valued by her followers. She is self-absorbed, at times selfish and more than happy to enjoy one night stands with the women she meets on her travels. Caroline is not. As a new employee in the PR department of Travel Wisdom she is appalled at Emma’s behaviour on the job and in the workplace. When asked to accompany Emma on a couples retreat by her boss, Caroline carries with her as much personal baggage as checked luggage. Her rigid attitude masks a woman struggling to recover from a failed relationship. Tossed into a couples retreat with orders to curb Emma’s Lothario ways is the last thing Caroline wants or needs. Let the fauxmance begin.

I love reading books by Ullrich. I know I am guaranteed witty and often memorable dialogue between her two mains.
Spoiler fun sponge. Priceless
Her characters shine because they are so well drawn. Emma and Caroline begin their retreat with so much venom that it makes the inevitable attraction, respect and acceptance all the sweeter. It doesn’t hurt that the reader feels like they are also on holiday, enjoying the sun, the sand and the nightlife in and around Little Havana. I liked the group activities at the resort and how they serve to bring Emma and Caroline closer together out of necessity so they wouldn’t blow their cover.

This is a romance so we expect some bumps along the way. With all her hangups it is inevitable that Caroline struggles with trust issues but seeing the growth in Emma throughout the story makes it clear that these two are destined to be together. Sex scenes? Why yes there are sex scenes. The first one is memorable and unique to the genre and fits perfectly with the baby steps required in the moment.

Great escapist read. Well done.
4.5 stars

ARC received with thanks from publisher via NetGalley for review.