A review by siobhan27
Just Call My Name by Holly Goldberg Sloan


Had i known that this was a sequel to a previous book, I probably would have waited to read it once i read the first book. The reason I say that is because I think i missed a lot of the character development for the two main characters. The author did a great job of making me understand what happened in the first book, and what that meant to the characters in the story. but I do think that I would have connected to them more if i had their whole story and not just this one.

This book is all about characters, and there are a few to choose from. The one I disliked the most was probably Destiny because I felt like she was a shell. To me she didn't have that much substance as a character and she was only there to advance the plot and make for a conflict between Sam and Emily. I thought the conflict between these three characters was very thin and really had no resolution in the end. At least not enough for me. My favorite character in this book would probably be Sams father. I loved his chapters because seeing inside his head and how he saw things was quite interesting. I also loved how he bent the truth in his own mind to justify what he had done to his sons.

The end of the book was the best part in my mind because there was so much action involving all the characters and I loved how we finally gt to see another side if Destiny at that point. A little too late for me, but it was still nice to see. Although there was the subject of the love triangle that never really git address or resolved, I liked the way the book ended. There was a HEA for every character and they all seemed genuinely happy, which was nice to read.