A review by samhain
Harley Quinn #75 by Sam Humphries


Oh God, did they really end up with Harley in the worst place she's ever been and dating fucking Booster Gold? I get that getting canceled out of the blue sucks and doesn't let you plan your arcs like you wanted to, but they could have made a tiny effort... They didn't even bring her actual friends out, they didn't tell a single story that was positive about her. Even that last one was... not great, in terms of characterization and celebrating how far she's come. And to conclude on her vowing to take revenge on a character has bland as Punchline... Punchline who only exists because apparently DC can't accept that women do not want abusive partners and think they're secretly head-over-heels about the Joker... Big, massive ugh. This series started out with her reclaiming her own life, I refuse to accept it's ending at such a low point.