A review by jo_bookworm
Sunshine Over Bluebell Castle by Sarah Bennett


I described the first in this trigoligy from Sarah Bennett as Antiques Roadshow meets Downton Abbey - now Alan Titchmarsh has turned up and the Chelsea Flower Show is going to have competition!

Expect of course it isn't Alan Titchmarsh but Will Talbot, a lad from the wrong side who found the right side from the kindness of neighbour who sparked his interest in gardening and landscaping and has led to him being one of the most popular 'men about town'.

Trouble is Will doesn't want to play the PR, Social Media game anymore and wants to go back to getting his hands dirty.

When Iggy Ludworth dreams about gardeners it is always Will Talbot not just for the sophisticated good looks but the vision he has. Iggy is struggling with the vision of the gardens for Bluebell Castle. She decides to contact him and send him some photos of what she thinks he could help with.

The photos and the offer of the work comes at the right time for Will.

Escaping to a castle seems the perfect place to hide from the media. Even if his disappearance still makes for news.

Ensconced in the castle and the gardens and already feeling like part of the Ludworth family, especially with Iggy. Will finds that this is all he ever wanted to do - get his hands dirty with his love of gardening and turning an idea into reality whilst sharing it all with that someone special.

When a surprise visitor turns up and disrupts the harmonious atmosphere in the castle it seems that perhaps a castle is not the best place to hide for any of the family.

What I love about this second book is whilst the main plot line focuses on Iggy's, Arthur her brother was the main protagonist in the first book they are not forgotten and sidelined as they can be in such series of book by other authors. Arthur and Lucie are very much a part of the book as they are a part of the castle as well as the pack of dogs that seem to greet every visitor with vigour and enthusiasm. Tristan, Iggy's brother, their Aunt and Uncle, Morgana and Lancelot are there as well and they all have their parts to play and are not merely two dimensional added characters.

I almost feel like I could step into the castle and be apart of the renovation, the history and also its  future.

This has to be my favourite series so far from this author and if you are looking for escapist reads that take you away, where it may not all be rosy but at least some people get their comeuppance and others get their happily ever afters then you need to by this series of books.

I am so looking forward to returning to the Bluebell Castle series later in the year.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. This has no way influenced my review. 

In a world of sometimes sad stuff, escaping into a book with a happy ever after is the perfect tonic!