A review by krayfish1
How to Win in a Winner-Take-All World: The Definitive Guide to Adapting and Succeeding in High-Performance Careers by Neil Irwin


A bit of a review of how the working world is turning into a dystopian hellscape, with a layer on top of "here's how to make sure _you_ end up okay while everything goes to shit!!"

The person who recommended it was probably focusing on the advice to
1. have a 3 year itch, and try to get a position where you're uncomfortable every 3 years so you can develop new skills
2. become "Pareto-optimal" -- be as good as you can be at several skills (the fewer the skills the better you should be at them)
3. be aware of what's going on in your industry
4. watch job postings to see what two skills together are more valued
5. if you're a manager have a good network at your company, meet with employees one-on-one often, and don't demand longer hours b/c that just makes work quality go down.