A review by bunnieslikediamonds
The Long and Faraway Gone by Lou Berney


You know how you at some point in your life realise that the man of your dreams isn't the best looking guy, or the most popular one, or the toughest one, but the unassuming, quiet one, who turns out to be unexpectedly funny and charming and sexy and cool? And then you can't believe you didn't notice this at first sight, and feel like you've discovered a new continent or something?

This book is like that. I'd never heard of Berney before, and bought this based on a few GR reviews. There doesn't seem to be a lot of buzz about the book, it hasn't won any prizes that I know of, there are no organized petitions demanding a sequel. There should be buzz and petitions and it should win all the prizes, because it is fantastic. Not showy, flashy or loud, but intelligent, quietly funny and effortlessly cool. The characters are utterly believable (and I will surely die if I never hear from them again, sequel please), and their grief and loss is beautifully explored. The murders, all in the past, are treated as the tragedies they are, and Wyatt and Julianne's struggle dealing with the aftermath is very moving.

Yeah, I basically want to marry this book.