A review by abartley73
Friend Request by Laura Marshall


I’ve noticed since I’ve come back to reading that I’m more critical of books now than I ever have been. It takes me longer to read a book now and I want something that I know is worth my time. This one seemed like it would be.

Here’s my main issue. I’m really into thrillers and mysteries. I read them for that jaw dropping moment when the big twist is finally revealed and you just get shocked as a reader. I didn’t get that with this one at all.

So with this book, it started out great for me. It was an easy read that kept me intrigued. Simple writing to where I didn’t have to think much as a reader and could just plow through parts of it when I had the time. It wasn’t amazing, but I looked forward to picking it up and it kept my interest when I was reading. By the end of it, though, I was ready for it to be over and for that big shocking twist that I just knew it was leading up to. I just feel like the author could have done more with the ending. She wrapped it all up in a tiny bow with an easy twist and moved on. That’s really my main issue with this book. Didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it. Onto the next one!