A review by mrs_george
The Kid: (What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant) an Adoption Story by Dan Savage


I was not familiar with the author or his sex advice column before I read this book. I wasn't really prepared for his...descriptive language. It kind of turned me off in the beginning and I'm no innocent angel. But as I continued reading I realized it wasn't so much that the language was put in there for shock value but more that it's just the author's personality. Maybe if I would've read his sex advice column beforehand I would've been a little more prepared for that.

When I became pregnant at 19, in my second year of college, my mom suggested I explore the choice of adoption. I immediately knew that if I were placing my child, they would be going to a homosexual couple. I've just always felt really strongly that homosexuals deserve the right to parent just like an heterosexual couple. Ultimately I knew I was keeping my child so I didn't pursue it much. Although it has helped shape my decision to become a surrogate when I'm done having my own kids. Anyway, so I knew I would find the story of a gay couple and their quest to adopt a baby interesting. This book delivered in all aspects. It was funny, heartwarming, informative and engaging.