A review by mebbs
Black Friday by Michael Hodges


I really wanted to love this book but I just... didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I also didn’t hate it, but there was a very rushed, self-published with no editor, badly punctuated feel to it.

The characters devolved into cliché and the actually unique interesting aspect of this book (a disappearing mall and a surprisingly small amount of Black Friday shoppers disappearing from it as it went) soon fell into the background as some form of inconvenience.

What annoyed me more than anything is the way some of the characters were treated at the end. Despite being cliché, they were quite likeable, but to have only two characters emerge with the rest just ... gone; it seemed like a disservice to the characters we spent time getting to know and like just in the ether. It’s the author’s choice what he does with the characters but to have them simply not emerge with no indication of where they actually went seems lazy and unfair on the reader. In fact, I originally rated this 3 stars but as I’m writing the ending has me so annoyed I’m thinking of pulling it down a star.

Goddammit, I don’t mind a sad ending but I do mind a lazy ending which felt rushed. Give me a sparkle of hope in the darkness not the two characters who fell in love having a nice ending with no one else having emerged from the mall. We don’t even get a glimmer of whether or not they survived.

I’m curtailing this rant before I go into the way characters’ relationships grew and others who were desperate to see their families again just disappeared but in short, the ending was a kick in the you-know-wheres.