A review by barbie16
The Fourth Stall by Chris Rylander


The Fourth Stall is an inventive take on "the business" better known to some as organized crime. Mac and Vinnie head up an operation out of the fourth stall in the boys bathroom of their school. If a kid needs protection from a bully, a loan to buy school lunch, tickets to a sold out movie on a Friday night, the Fourth Stall can help, for a fee of course. Mac and Vinnie are proud of their business, which is making them loads of money that they hope they can put toward two tickets to the World Series to watch the Cubs (hopefully) win (yeah right!). Unfortunately for them, a high school boy by the name of Staples has infiltrated their school running a unsavory gambling ring. Things are getting dangerous and Mac and Vinnie's business is in danger. Will they be able to stop Staples and restore peace to their school? Read on!

I thought this book was a lot of fun and well written for j fiction I'll definitely be recommending it to the kids at my library.