A review by findyourgoldenhour
What's Mine and Yours by Naima Coster


3.75 (Dear Goodreads, when will you allow fractional stars??) I liked this one a lot. Characters with depth and flaws that felt true to life; the way their stories intertwined kept me turning the pages. I read there's been talk of a tv miniseries, which I would totally watch.

The only thing that took away from the novel was the number of characters and the disjointed timeline. The author did an excellent job making the characters feel real, giving them all compelling storylines, but for me, there were too many to follow and care about. Add to that a timeline that jumps back and forth and I often found myself getting pulled out of the story to think, "Wait, what was going on with these people a few chapters back? Wait, what year is this?"

Despite this, I still really liked it, which is a testament to how talented the author is. I want to read her backlist and will likely read what she writes next.