A review by girloutoftime
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World by Bryan Lee O'Malley


2/5 stars
Trigger warnings: the term 'retarded' is used, racist comment, girl on girl hate, fat shaming, adult dating a minor, cheating, depression

The main focus of this volume, to me, was Knives wanting to kill Ramona. Scott breaks up with Knives, and I was a little confused, but I think the point was she didn't get the hint. He clearly broke up with her, but then later Knives is talking to her friend and makes it seem like Scott just said that he was thinking of breaking up with her because he was too old for her (which he is) something else I had a problem with was that Knives calls Ramona 'lardass' and that was completly unnecessary, she also calls her fat three or four times in a span of 10-15 pages. The girl on girl hate was astronomical in this. Knives shouldn't be mad at Ramona, she should be mad at Scott. Scott did cheat on Knives (he calls her his girlfriend, and you don't have to be intiment to be in a relationship) Ramona clearly didn't know about Knives(he made damn sure of that) I wished the writers would have had Scott break up with Knives in the first volume.