A review by apgarcia
Two Awesome Hours: Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done by Josh Davis


Two Awesome Hours is not an ordinary book on time management. Its premise is that the human brain is not designed to exert itself 100% of the time throughout an eight hour day. The brain is like a muscle. It can only do so much work, and it requires a bit of rest in between periods of intense activity. Two hours is an arbitrary length of time that the author feels is realistically achievable for peak performance in any given day. This length of time is variable; it depends on the individual and on the choices one makes throughout the day.

The book contains discussions based on five different topics related to how the brain works, and how to use this to set ourselves up for peak performance when we need it most. The chosen topics are:

- decision points: changing tasks intelligently
- mental energy: planning how we spend it
- distractions: how attention shifting works
- mind-body connection: how food affects the brain
- workspaces: how noise and light affect productivity

Each section contains a hypothetical example of a workday in which one of the topics plays a part, and it cites some relevant research. Overall, it's an interesting look at the brain and how to use it to manage ourselves and our time most effectively.