A review by liralen
Match Me If You Can by Tiana Smith


Fun but good golly this is so YA. I'm really struck by the way that they're all so convinced that there's One Person whom they're meant to be with forever (or that it's not okay to date someone who's an okay match but not a great match for a while).

Also a sad little moment of...not slut-shading, but it's greyer relative:
"You left the game to go on a date with Logan," she said. It wasn't a question, so I didn't bother answering. If I thought she was being cold before, it was nothing like the frost coming off her now.
"So you and Logan are, what...together now?"
I shook my head and clasped my hands in my lap.
"That's not exactly fair to Vince, you know—whatever this thing with Logan is. I mean, it's not fair to Logan, either. You have two guys going after you, and you don't even have the decency to cut one of them loose. I never took you as the player type." (61)
This isn't unique to this book, mind. I think there was less of it in an earlier era—the idea that it's only okay to be interested in one person at once. But it's so sad to me: this demand to decide who you like before you've even had a chance to get to know either of the people you're curious about; this insistence that you have to be exclusive from the very beginning (I don't remember exactly, but at this point in the book Mia had gone on either one or zero dates with each boy) or be shamed for doing otherwise.

So! Sure. But definitely dumb-cute.