A review by kilks401
Glass House: The 1% Economy and the Shattering of the All-American Town by Brian Alexander


Mildly interesting snapshot of a town outside of Columbus, Ohio battered by the collapse of a couple of local employers, but undone by its unwillingness to grapple with the policies that created this situation, and what policies could potentially help, as well as which party is more or less likely to support such efforts.

There's an unwillingness to be specific about which politicians pushed for the financialization of the economy, which undid the main business far more than NAFTA, or any recognition of how the drug crisis is a public health issue and continually locking people up does not work.

For instance, should the SEC change the rules? Which ones? And which party resists such efforts more?

What would harm reduction look like in terms of the addiction crisis faced by towns like this? A place for people to safely inject? Obviously this is a town that would oppose such an effort, but would have been good to mention.

Not to mention the virulent racism that comes through in asides from various characters but is basically ignored otherwise, both in current times and back to the days when it was prospering and this town was a hotbed for the Klan. I'm glad the author did not ignore it, but how much of the towns problems
is because of their racism, and not just