A review by grandpas_farts
Fallout by Todd Strasser


This book was just, eh. I had so many students who read it and loved it, but for me, it was nothing special. The great thing is that it is a pretty quick read.

It all starts with Scott being awoken in the middle of the night by his father. He doesn't know what is going on, but he knows to go to the bomb shelter. For weeks Scott and his brother had to face criticism and bullying from being the only kids on the block with a father believed to be erratic due to him being the only person on the block with a bomb shelter.

Well soon the Nelsons of the town soon stop their "ha-has" when a bomb ACTUALLY HITS! Everyone comes running from everywhere to try and get it. Scott and his family are kind and push overs, so they allow as many people in as they can until no one else can fit. The problem of their kind heart? There's only enough food for four people for two weeks, and something is wrong with Scott's mother.

SpoilerI hated the characters. So many people bitched throughout this whole book. Not even in the end either. As soon as they got into the shelter "it's too cold" "it's too hot" "it's too gray" "it's too small" like WTF?! Build your own f*cking shelter! Then there was the dad. He was such a pushover. People are gripping all over him and he just sits there. People complain about him not having enough food (even though they did not bring anything) and he just sits there. I was so annoyed with him, what's wrong with sticking up for yourself?!

I get it, stores like Cosco and Sams weren't a thing in the... 70s? 60s, but I just can't imagine why he would not buy a case of sardines, crackers, or peanut butter. If he had enough money to build a bomb shelter, surely he had enough money to stock this thing with food and water. I saw a documentary about Evian being the first bottled water company in the 80s and they were made fun of for being "naive" (Evian spelled backwards), so many no bulk water bottles, but you can still find a way to store water, no?

Janet would sometimes spend the night with them, but it seemed as if the dad did not have enough supplies for when she actually stayed over. He had enough supplies for two weeks, yet it never dawned on him to pack 2-3 outfits for the family?

I don't know if it was said how soon the shelter was built, but it seemed as if he was severely unprepared. Even when he was waking up his children, his wife or Janet could have grabbed some food. He could have grabbed the clothes, he could have not let 5 EXTRA PEOPLE IN! I was annoyed with all the human flaws in this story.